Real Girl, known in Japan as 3D Kanojo (3D彼女), is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Mao Nanami. The series was serialized in Kodansha's Dessert between July 2011 and May 2016, with the series later being compiled into twelve tankōbon volumes released between December 2011 and August 2016. The series is currently published digitally in English by Kodansha USA. An anime television series adaptation directed by Takashi Naoya and animated by Hoods Entertainment will premiere in April 4, 2018 in the AnichU programming block.
A live-action film adaptation of the manga premiered on September 14, 2018.
Tsutsui Hikari is an otaku, and he mostly avoids social life. Hikari has only one friend at school, who is also a social misfit, and he is mocked brutally by most of his classmates for being creepy and weird. One day, he ends up having to clean the school pool with Igarashi Iroha, who appears to be pretty much everything he hates in real-life girls. She skips school, has a blunt manner, doesn't have female friends, and seems the sort to be promiscuous. However, she is friendly to Hikari, and even stands up to the people who make fun of him. Hikari's bitterness and trust issues lead him to say pretty harsh things to Iroha, but she never dismisses him as creepy. After a while, it starts to look like Iroha may become his first real-life, 3D girlfriend! Will he be able to handle it?
External Links[]
Other Sources[]
- MyAnimeList (Manga)
- MyAnimeList (Anime S1)
- MyAnimeList (Anime S2)
- Wikipedia
Other Wikis[]