Yona of the Dawn (暁のヨナ, Akatsuki no Yona) is a Japanese shōjo manga series by Mizuho Kusanagi, serialized in Hakusensha's Hana to Yume from August 2009. An anime adaptation is produced by Studio Pierrot and aired on October 2014. The manga was licensed for English release by Viz Media.
Yona is the sole princess of the Kouka Kingdom. She lives a happy and luxurious life at the castle until a terrible incident happened on the night of her 16th birthday. As she accidentally witnesses the death of her father by the hands of her beloved, Soo-Won, she is forced to flee from her home with her loyal servant, Hak. Together, they search for the four legendary dragon warriors to protect the country and its people she and her loved.
External Links[]
- Hana to Yume - AnY Manga Website (Japanese)
- Marv - AnY Anime Website (Japanese)
Other Sources[]
- Akatsuki no Yona (Wikipedia)
Other Wikis[]
- Akatsuki no Yona Wiki (Spanish)